We support performance assurance and potential enhancement in investment and acquisition processes

The complexity of the integration depends on whether it is either the strategic further development of an existing company, which is retained as a unit, or whether an operation is acquired in order to use it to expand the existing business / company.

We develop an effective integration programme on a case-by-case basis and support its implementation operationally with our employees and partners, right up to taking over interim tasks.

Our fields of activity

Change Communication
Communication for the successful integration and change process
Transformation Management
From strategy to actual implementation with an efficient management team
interim management
Short-term support on key functions

Research report

About two thirds of M&A transactions do not produce the expected results

Quelle:  Diverse Studien seit 2000-2020

The main reasons for this are:

      • Lack of synergies
      • Delays in the integration process
      • Insufficient consideration of corporate cultures
      • Lack of prudent project control

Our experience

Decisive for the economic and strategic success is the fast and lived integration.

This is achieved through the optimal approach in the four areas of “Management & Leadership”, “Supervisory/Board”, “Communication” and “Human Resources”.

Your Partners

Raphael Speck

Partner Switzerland

Trust & reliability are the basis of a good business relationship

Dr. Peter Euringer

Managing Partner


Anne Ruth Herkes

Senior Advisor

Consulting means in particular the bringing about of decisions!

How can we support ?